Astigmatism treatment with laser cataract surgery

the arcuate incisions for decreasing the astigmatism are made. Either one or two incisions can be made. The length, the distance from the center and the depth of each astigmatic keratotomy incision can be coordinated independently.

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In the above pictures the bubbles serve asa guide to the location of the actual openings in the lens and cuts in the cornea. One can realize comparing the two pics how accurate the laser is. Here we have shown the lensx laser in action. The other lasers for cataract surgery are Vectus, catalys and lensar.

Chapter 2 Presbyopia and Baby Boomers

Now most of us have heard the term baby boomers branded about. Who exactly are these baby boomers. Why are the administrators and health care officials so concerned about this demographic group? The second chapter defines different age groups. This is done not to divide people, but to better analyze and deliver eyecare.

This chapter also takes us on the route of aging and its effects on eyes. There is elegant discussion on which part of the eyes stop working and the effect on the lifestyle. Reading becomes difficult  and sometimes watching tv or looking at iphones is a chore. Current treatment options or presbyopia are enumerated. Specifically the challenges faced by baby boomers regards their eyes is explored.

You will really connect with chapter. Its a book written from a lay mans perspective for the ordinary person, who wants the latest and best for themselves