Actress Kate Linder from “The Young and Restless” talks with board certified surgeon Dr. Khanna about a new book on Prelex.
Actress Kate Linder from “The Young and Restless” talks with board certified surgeon Dr. Khanna about his new book on Prelex for vision correction. Prelex is a new surgery that allows individuals under the age of 45 to see without the use of glasses and contacts. It incorporates changing the natural lens with a man made lens that allows an individual to see far, middle, and near. In each eye! this procedure also prevents an individual from developing cataracts as it can not develop on the man made lens. Therefore this procedure will not only give you the gift of amazing sight but it is preventative of future conditions such as Cataracts. Prelex has actually been around for several decades but was not perfected until the last several years. Now thousands of patients all over the globe are getting Prelex and reeping from the many benefits of the procedure. All this information can not be found in a new book called prelex. The book can be found on Amazon and it will walk you through everything regarding the procedure.