Working out after cataract surgery.

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A common question after Cataract eye surgery is what can I do and not do. One thing you don’t want to do after  is go straight to the gym. It is important not to strain the eyes after surgery because they are in a recovery process. Lifting weights or doing some form of strenuous activity may cause pressure in the eyes and this may lead to stress on the eyes in a time when it needs rest. More importantly the surgeon has made an incision on the cornea and although it does start healing immediately it is still sensitive and needs to not be strained.

A lot of people like jeweler from ventura or a businessman from valencia have gone back to work on the same day. But physicians, nurses and paramedical professionals need to wait a few days to avoid bugs.

Laser blade free cataract surgery does make it safer.


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Pain free and easy cataract surgery with “Pi in eye”

Cataract Surgery is one of the safest procedures performed today and is be pain free!  Read all about this cataract surgery with “Pi in eye”

when glasses or contacts are not an option

“With Dr. Rajesh Khanna there was no pain during my Cataract surgery” said Susie of Beverly Hills. Dr. Khanna of the Khanna Vision Institute is highly trained in Cataract surgeon and has completed thousands of surgeries for over two decades. He knows the fear of Cataract eye surgery and will make sure all you fears are washed away the moment you come in for surgery. There is no pain during Cataract surgery, although you may feel some slight pressure on the eye. During the surgical procedure Dr. Rajesh Khanna will administer tropical anesthetic drops into the eyes. These drops will numb the eye allowing you to relax during the procedure. Dr. Khanna and his technician will walk you through the surgery as it is being done. They will calm your fears and before you know it you will have the gift if sight. The Cataract procedure will only take around 30 minutes to complete. After the numbing drops wear off you will be given post op instructions with drops to administer in your eyes for the next two weeks. During this time there will still be no pain but you might feel a slight sensation of a foreign object in the eye. The drops will help you will this irritation by keeping the eyes moist. It is most important not to rub the eyes after the Cataract procedure. This is important for the healing process and to make sure there are no complications. Cataract eye surgery is one of the safest surgeries today. You will be in and out of the office in no time and can finally feel the blessing of clear eyesight. You will be astonished at how easy the whole process is and now you can do things you could not do before.