Chapter 3 What is Prelex?

The question on everyones mind is – what is this Prelex? How come we have not heard much about it.
That is why Dr Raj wrote this wonderful book for non medical people. So they can learn about real important stu ff which has been neglected by the media till now. Well, the media has started covering this subject as can be seen with various articles written about the book.
Some other questions adressed in this chapter arevvery intersting, like how long has prelex been around, and who can have it.You will be thrilled to read it is a short painless outpatient procedure. You will love to read the differences between cataract and prelex procedure.
What are you waiting for? Read the this comprehesible book to find out if you arae a candidate for Prelex.
Other questions answered are
Will it prevent other diseases?
Will my prescription change after prelex?

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